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Accreditation Documents

Title Document Number Date of Issue Sort ascending PDF File
SADCAS F 60c - Vertical Assessment Laboratories ISO-IEC 17025-2017 SADCAS F 60 (c) Download
Rapport de recommandation de l'evaluation SADCAS F 61 (c) Download
Evaluation verticale des laboratoires - ISO CEI 17025-2017 SADCAS F 60 (c) Download
ISO-CEI 17021-1 Rapport de Revue Documentaire pour les Systems de Gestions SADCAS F 61 (a-4) Download
Demande d'Accreditation de Laboratoire Medical SADCAS F 43 (c) Download
ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 - Avaliação Vertical SADCAS F 61 (g) Download
Demande daccréditation des Organismes d'inspection SADCAS F 43 (h) Download
Document Review Report for Certification of Persons ISO-IEC 17024 SADCAS F 61 (a-6) Download
ISO/IEC 17021:2015 – Vertical Assessment SADCAS F 61 (g) Download
Exigences des essais d'aptitude ISO CEI 17025 - 2017 - Clause 7.7 SADCAS F 61 (e) Download
ISO/IEC 17021:2015 – Witnessing of Certification Body SADCAS F 61 (h-1) Download
ISO/CEI 17021-1:2015 -Témoignage d'un Organisme de Certification SADCAS F 61 (h-1) Download
Demande d’accreditation de laboratoire d’etalonnage SADCAS F 43 (a) Download
Suspension and Retablissement des Organismes Accredites SADCAS TR 06 Download
ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 – Testemunho de um Organismo de Certificação SADCAS F 61 (h-1) Download