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Is your COVID-19 Thermometer Accurate

Press Release

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in most Governments world-wide enacting measures to curb the spread of the deadly virus. One such regulation is the health screening through measuring the human body temperature, as fever is considered as one of the symptoms of the disease. The traditional temperature measuring instruments of the contact type are not desirable as they risk spreading the disease, hence the proliferation on non-contact type infra-red radiation thermometers. Have you ever wondered whether these devices are accurate? You have often noticed that your body temperature readings are inconsistent, and not so repeatable. How accurate should they be? How durable should the devices be and, better still, will the devices remain accurate after repeated use over weeks, months or years to come? How do you know if you have purchased a reliable instrument that will work correctly in your environment? Are you using it correctly? Is there trust in the device?