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Root Cause Analysis Training (Three Days)

The objective of this course is to provide participants with knowledge and skill to manage incidents/nonconformities, with specific emphasis on the identification of the root causes and applying root cause analysis methods, taking corrective action and implementing control measures to prevent the reoccurrence of incidents/nonconformities. Participants will also acquire skills for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of quality management systems through effective cause analysis and implementation of corrective actions. The course will provide and familiarise participants with a systematic, structured, and evidenced-based root cause analysis (RCA) process that they can be embedded into their organisations.

Course Objectives

  • Define corrective action and RCA
  • Understand the difference between correction and corrective action
  • Evaluate the significance of nonconforming work to determine if corrective action is necessary
  • Understand requirements of various ISO/IEC accreditation standards with regards to corrective action and RCA.
  • Overview of SADCAS TG 04: Guidance for addressing and clearing nonconformities
  • Understand the process and steps of performing effective RCA.
  • Identify and apply different tools and techniques for RCA to determine cause(s) of nonconformity and implement appropriate corrective actions
  • Understand different ways of monitoring effectiveness of corrective actions
  • Recognize common barriers to RCA and apply techniques to overcome those barriers