COVID-19 pandemic is still a threat to global health and global economy. The emergence of Omicron variant is rattling countries around the globe and underlines the importance of reliable, accurate and timely testing. Specifying accreditation of testing laboratories as one of the requirements will help ensure the competence of testing laboratories and the reliability of results.
Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, SADCAS has ensured continuity in service provision by continually investing in technology so as to fully exploit the benefits presented by remote assessments, online training, virtual meetings and working remotely from home
SADCAS Advisory Committees (AC) meetings were held remotely due to the COVID-19 induced travel restrictions. SADCAS Advisory Committees are a fundamental and vital component of operating a technically relevant accreditation system. The role of the Advisory Committees is to provide technical guidance on all matters relating to accreditation within a specific field of expertise, to ensure technical integrity of the accreditation processes as well as to guide technical policy and provide important support in technical matters to the assessment process.